Struggling with Pornography/Masturbation?
First of all, don't despair! The righteous fall seven times, & gets up again each time Proverbs 24:16. Christianity is a constant struggle, let’s look at the saints. The first step is to find a confession father, without guidance we cannot overcome any vices through our Lord. We need to be able to talk with him about it, to receive the best way to overcome temptation, & urges. Our spiritual father will be able to lead us on how best to direct the energy elsewhere.
What do I do First?
Pray | Fast | Prostrate | Confess | Holy Communion
You cannot see the battle, therefore you cannot win it, only God by His grace can. You can’t box the enemy, we will be knocked out if we try to fight the battle ourselves. Some tips:
1) Senses
Try and replace the visual stimulation, so instead of watching movies that might lead us to temptation, watch saints movies.
2) Timing
If there is a specific time in the day or specific circumstance, or specific show that always makes you fall, avoid it & you can steer yourself away from the environment in which you are tempted.
3) Thoughts
When a sudden thought overcomes us, repeat ‘Our Father & By the Salutation of St. Mary,’ and the Daily Prayers.
4) God's Love & Mercy
Don’t focus on the sin!!!! Focus on God’s mercy, focus on God’s love, focus on the pleading that Saint Mary and all the saints are doing on your behalf when you ask.
5) Reminder
Make a reminder, a bracelet with the saints on it, or hold your cross on your neck whenever you have tempting thoughts. You are sealed with the Holy Spirit!
“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1st Cor 3:16
6) Prostration
Prostrate & be physically tired. Often when we are physically tired we tire the passions within us that tempt us to sin.

“Lean not on your own understanding.. He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Saints Movie Playlist
Prayers Playlist
Hymns Playlist