Z. Tsigie | Season of the Flower
In our church, this season is known as Zemene Tsige meaning The Season of the Flower, during this time, there is a fast known as Tsome Qusqwam meaning Fast of Qusqwam (one of the resting places of St. Mary during the flight from Herod). Tsome Qusqwam is a 40 day optional fasting period which begins on September 26th and ends November 5th of the geez calendar. During this time our church dedicates through fasting, with one's free will, and praying to remember the hunger, thirst, poverty, sadness and all the trouble that St. Mary, the mother of God faced on her journey to Egypt along with St. Joseph and St. Salome with the angel St. Urael guiding them.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
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