Hymns (Mezmur)

Mezmur or a spiritual song is a form of worship in our Holy Church, which was inspired from God and was taught to us by our Father and priest, Kidus Yared.

St. Yared singing heavenly hymns.    

"...speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...

Ephesians 5:19-20

+Hymns for Angels and Saints+

+St. Michael (Qidus Michael)+

 Līqe Michael Melaikt 

Liqe Michael melaikt Michael melak mekru le-liUl 2x

Hayal 8x sedadie satnael 2x hayal melak hayli 2x

English Translation:

Arch Angel Michael, Angel of help on high,

Strong Beater of Satan when he was an angel

Strong Angel of Strength

+St. George (Qidus Giyorgis)+

Giyorgis Hayal

Giyorgis hayal hayal, mestegadile 2x

Gebarie te'amiri 2x kokeb kibre 2x

English Translation:

George the strong when he fought,

Doer of miracles 2x the star of glory 2x

+Our Father Teklehaymanot (Abune Teklehaymanot)+

Aba Abune 

Aba abune aba memhirine 2x Aba Teklehaymanot 2x

Ima’ilaf hiruy, aba aba 2x Abune Teklehaymanot 2x

English Translation:

Our Father and Teacher Teklehaymanot

The chosen one from many, Our Father Teklehaymanot