When the archangel of the Lord, St.Gabriel, appeared to St. Mary, she had no idea what to expect. Right away, she was troubled and wondered what this was about; however, archangel St. Gabriel assured her that everything was okay. God was about to do something completely miraculous in her life, and he assured her she had found favor with the Lord.
So often in life we anticipate the worst. We see something big coming our way, and we start telling ourselves everything is about to be ruined, but this is not how God wants us to live. He doesn’t want us to live in constant fear when we receive news from other people. He doesn’t want us immediately thinking of the worst case scenario when nothing has even happened yet!
Don’t be afraid when God sends a certain situation or a certain person your way. There is a reason for it, and you never know what God wants to show you! “Good” or “bad”, whatever happens, God will be glorified in it and you will be a stronger son or daughter through that experience. Do not be afraid. God is not going to do anything to harm you, but rather He will refine you!
Glory be to God!