We have received grace and found life by the strength of the holy cross of Christ, by the strength of His cross 2x
To You we thank Oh Lord and we praise Your name our God 2x Romans 5:1-4 & 1st John 3
ጸጋ ነሣእነ ወሕይወተ ረከብነ በኃይለ መስቀሉ ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በኃይለ መስቀሉ (፪) ኪያከ እግዚኦ ነኣኩት ወንሴብሓከ እግዚኣብሔር (፪)
tsega nesa'ine we-hywete rekebne be-hayle mesqelu le-Iyesus Kristos be-hayle mesqelu 2x kīyake Igzī’o ne’akut we-nisiebihake Igzīabhier 2x
ጸጋ ረኺብና ሂወት'ውን ተዓዲልና ብሓይሊ መስቀሉ ናይ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ብሓይሊ መስቀሉ (፪) ንዓኻ ኦ ጐይታ ነመስግን ንውድሰካ'ውን እግዚኣብሔር (፪) ሮሜ ፭፥፩፡፬ ፩ይ የው ፫
tsega rekībna hīwet win te’Adīlna bi-haylī mesqelu nay Iyesus Kristos bi-haylī mesqelu 2x Ni’Aka oh Goyta nemesgin niwidiseka win Igzīabhier 2x