Hymns (Mezmur)
Mezmur or a spiritual song is a form of worship in our Holy Church, which was inspired from God and was taught to us by our Father and priest, Qidus Yared.
St. Yared singing heavenly hymns.
"...speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...
Ephesians 5:19-20
+General Hymns+
Deqīqe Selam
Deqīqe Selam we-fikre we-ardite Kristos antimu(2)
Tigihu iske yitfetsem tesfahu(2)
Halie, halie luya yiserig kokeb, im-yacob, we-anenehī bokriye yiresyo we-anehī (2)
Li'ul weitu im-negeste midr we-anehī, we-anehī bokriye yiresyo we-anehī (2)
English Translation:
O children of peace and love and the apostles of Christ
stand firm in the faith until the end
Hallelujah a star will come from Jacob,
and I will make Him my first born.
He is greatest of all kings on earth and I will make Him my first born Ps 89:27