There is so much mystery in the fruit and the flower. While our Lord is the fruit that nourishes all and our Lady St Mary is the flower of all flowers, the life of man is also likened to these.
As our Lord says in Matthew 6, “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?” [Matt 6: 28-30] The Psalmist also writes, “As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.”
The wisdom of the Lord is wondrous and astonishing! As He does for the flowers, so He does for us. But not only our physical needs, but He supplies what sustains the soul of humans. Do we have faith that His wisdom reaches beyond our past agonies, our familial traumas, innumerable sins? The true proof of our faith is in our deeds, have we been faithful in prayer, in long suffering, in reading His word?
Let us pray for eyes that see His wisdom and true faith in our hearts that abounds in our deeds.
The artistic wisdom of the Lord, who is in the highest heavens, is wondrous and astonishing. He bestowed His mercy upon us. He is the one who covered the sky with shining stars, and the earth, with pure flowers. He established the Sabbath for the living to rest upon it. The aroma of saints is [fragrant] like a lily in the desert. [The fragrance] cinnamon with nardos (spikenard) has flourished.
source: EOTC Debre Berhan
ኪነ ጥበቡ መንክር ወዕፁብ፤ ኪነ ጥበቡ መንክር ወዕፁብ ለዘሀሎ መልዕልተ አርያም። አርአየ ምሕረቶ በላዕሌነ። ዘከለሎ ለሰማይ በከዋክብት ብሩህ። (አ)። ወለምድርኒ አሠርገዋ በጽጌያት ንጹሕ። (አ)። ወሠርዓ ሰንበተ ለነባሪ ያዕርፉ ባቲ። (አ)። መዓዛሆሙ ለቅዱሳን ከመ ጽጌ ደንጐላት ዘውስተ ቈላት። ጸገዩ ቀንሞስ ምስለ ናርዶስ።
kīne Tibebu menkir we-itsub, kīne Tibebu menkir we-itsub leze-halo mel’ilte aryam. araye mihreto be-la’iliene. Ze-kelelo le-semay be-kewakibt biruh. (a). wele-midrinī asergewa be-tsigieyat nitsuh.(a).we-ser’a senbete le-nebarī ya’irifu batī. (a).me’azahomu le-qidusan keme tsigie dengolat ze-wiste quolat.tsegeye qenimos misle nardos.