Hymns (Mezmur)

Mezmur or a spiritual song is a form of worship in our Holy Church, which was inspired from God and was taught to us by our Father and priest, Kidus Yared.

St. Yared singing heavenly hymns.    

"...speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,  giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...

Ephesians 5:19-20

Arbi Siqlet (Good Friday) Mezmurs

Medhanie Alem Kristos

Medhanie Alem Kristos be-qeraniyo siqul (2)
Belenī meharkuke
Belenī meharkukī
Be-inte Mariyam Dingil isme heir albo inbelieke qal (2)

English Translation:

Savior of the World, Christ, who was crucified on Qeraniyo (Golgotha)
Tell me I am forgiven
Tell me I am forgiven

For the sake of sake of Virgin Mary , for there is none who can grant forgiveness by their word other than You

O Goytana men alo kemaka2x

Ni’ana kitibil ab Mesqel teseqīlka 2x

English Translation:
O our Lord, who is there like You,
For our sake, You were crucified on the Cross
Nisiebiho nisiebiho leIgzīabhier 2x

Sibuha zete-sebiha, sibuha zete-sebiha 4x

Tigrinya Translation:

Nemesgino nemesgino niIgzīabhier 2x

Misgun'iyu zete-mesgene 4x

English Translation:

Let us praise Him, to God

He is to be praised, Who is praised

Audio Player

Amanuel Temesgen

Aman b’aman /2/ ehe Amanuel Temesgen /2/

sigawī timnīt ina fetsemku

kab higī Amlak fitsum rehaku

haTiyatey rī;u key'qetsanī

nikinisah idme hibunī


gidefi alem aytetalilini

dihri hijis chow dehan kuni

bni'isinety nab Igziabher

miqrab meritse kab ny alem neger

Aman b’aman /2/ ehe Amanuel Temesgen /2/

ab hatiat alem ztetsemedku

brhan idmekum keytsilmtekum

ny hatiat alem abu derbikum

agelgilu nhaimanotkum

Aman b’aman /2/ ehe Amanuel Temesgen /2/

gidefi alem aytetalilini

dihri hijis chow dehan kuni

bni'isinety nab Igziabher

miqrab meritse kab nay alem neger

Aman b'aman/2/ ehe Amanuel Temsegen /2/

English Translation:

Truly, truly Thank You Amanuel

While I was doing earthly things I was really far from God’s Law

He saw my sins and did not punish me

Instead He gave me time to repent/confess

Thank You Amanuel (Jesus Christ)

Stop World, do not hold me back

From now on, ciao be well

While I am still young, I am choosing to

Be close to God rather than earthly things

Thank You Amanuel (Jesus Christ)

Those of you that are doing earthly things

Live a bright life so that it does not become dark

Throw the earthly things away

Come help/serve your faith

Thank You Amanuel (Jesus Christ)

Amlake Qidusan

Amlake Qidusan Amlakine, Amlake Qidusan Nigusine(2x)

ītegdefine Teradine beMengistke Tezerekene(2x)

Igzitene Nitsri Habene, Igzitene Seali Lene(2x)

Selam Weldchi Yehalu mislene(2x)

Teklehaymonot Ab kulne, Teklehaymonot memherene(2x)

Barekene beMeskeleke Tezerekene beTseloteke(2x)

English Translation:

God of the Saints, Our God, God of the Saints our King

Do not leave us, have compassion on us. Remember us in Your Kingdom

Our Lady look at us, Our Lady pray for us

May your Son's peace be with us

Teklehaymonot father of us all, Teklehaymonot our teacher

Bless us with your Cross, Remember us in your prayers

Im-kulu Yi'heyis

Im-kulu yiheyis beSilaseke te'amenu(2)

Weladeteke Dingil,Weladeteke Temahtsenu (2)

Adhinenī Līte 

Adhini līte isme albo halq Hier we-wihud haymanot im-getse midre, im-getse midre (2) 

Mariam imu le-fiqur(4)

English Translation:

Save me O Lord, For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men,

Mary, the Mother of Love

*Psalm 12:1 

Kulu Zefeqede

Kulu zefeqede gebre Igzīabhier(2)

Be-semayinī webe-midrinī webe-bahrinī webe-kulu Qelayat(4)(2)

English Translation:

“Whatever the LORD pleases He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deep places.” Psalms 135:6-7

Isat Tserhu

Isat Tserhu Mai Teferu (2)

Demanat menkorakoru leMedhanie Alem (2)

English Translation: