Waiting on the Lord isn't always easy. One of the hard things about waiting on the Lord is, sometimes, it means you might have to watch other people do the same thing you wish you were doing.
Always remember, this is not God's way of showing you He values someone else more than you. God shows no favoritism, and He is preparing you for things that are for YOU. Even though it might look like someone else was given what was meant for you, that is never the case! Whatever is meant for you at the right time, God’s time, will be present in your life. Walk boldly in Christ, He will guide your path.
What God has for you, is for you!
Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me today to reflect on the good You have done for me in the past and to be excited on the good I know you will do in the future. I have heavy desires in my heart that I'm waiting for. If it pleases Your will for my life, please shine your light on it and give me wisdom about . Help me glorify You while I wait. In Christ our Lord’s name, Amen!