Church Utensils & Equipment | Newaye Qidusat

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen. 

Part one

Newaye: The word “Newaye” is a word in geez defined as “equipment.”

Qdesat: The word “Qdesat” is also a word in geez defined as “blessed” or “Holy.”

Therefore, “Newaye Qdesat” can be defined as “Holy equipment” that is used for services in our church, such us worshiping, praising, Holy liturgy, gospels, and prayer (1 Chronicle 26:26 & 28:12, 2 Chronicles 5:5).

Newaye Qdesat or known as “Holy equipment” are specifically chosen items that are used for services provided in our church (Exodus 25:1-7). However, before using these “Holy equipment,” it must be blessed by prayer first. Once it is blessed through prayer, it can be used for the service it is meant to be used for.

When using Newaye Qdesat, we know that the Holy equipment holds the Holy Sacraments. For instance, when Christ taught, He used a lot of proverbs in what He said, for us to understand and connect to His words. Newaye Qdesat reflects on the Holy Sacraments through the Holy Saints and the Holy teachings of Christ. This is how our Holy fathers made these “blessed equipment” or Newaye Qdesat, through the sacraments and reflecting on Christ’s words.

Communion Paten (Tsahil) is a plate-shaped platter that is gold, which holds the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is made by wood and has a unique look.

It symbolizes the manger Christ was born on, where Christ was buried and when Kurubiel held God’s seat, which reflects our Mother St Mary.


Chalice (Tswae) is shaped like a cup that is gold, which holds the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This symbolizes and reflects when Christ told His disciples, “For this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Mathew 26:27). “Tswae” also symbolizes the time of Christ’s crucifixion, when Holy angels held the blood of Christ that shed by Tswae, which is what our church follows today.


THARVODO/SPOON (Erefi Meskel) is a golden spoon which has the shape of the Holy cross on the edge of it. It is a spoon used to take Holy mysteries from the chalice. It is used to feed during the Holy Communion. Erefi Meskel symbolizes Christ’s whippings. "Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar (Isaiah 6:5-7).


The Thabilitho (Awde) “Adbabay” or Awde is the place where the Holy flesh of Christ is kept during Holy Communion. The purpose of using an “Awde” is to keep the Holy flesh of Christ secure during the Holy liturgy “Qidasie.” An “Awde” has a shape of our Church and is made from wood,  which symbolizes the pain and crucifixion of Christ.

Censer (Tsinha/ maetent)“Tsinha” or “maetent” is geez for “thurible” which is a censer that is used to burn Holy incense in our church. It is made from gold, silver and wood. In the Old Testament, God told Moses to make a thurible to use for service,  which reflects on why our church uses the thurible during our Holy liturgy. This also symbolizes our mother Saint Mary because she was the one who held our Lord in her womb. In the Holy liturgy of Saint Mary, it is said “anti weitu maetent zewerq ante tserki fehme esat…” which states Saint Mary held the fire of Christ “divine (melekot)” in her womb.


Frankincense (Etan) And the Lord said to Moses:” Take sweet spices, stacte and onycha and galbanum and pure frankincense with these sweet spices; there shall be equal amounts of each.” You shall make of these an incense, a compound according to the art of the perfumer, salted, pure and Holy. “And you shall beat some of it very fine and put some of it before the Testimony in the tabernacle where I will meet with you. It shall be most Holy to you” (Exodus 32:2, 37:29) (Leviticus 16:12) (Luke 1:8) (Revelation 8:34).

“Etan” or “incense” symbolizes our Holy saints and the smoke incense symbolizes praising and prayer. The thurible has small bells that ring when burning the incense. Three bells symbolize the Holy Trinity, twelve bells symbolize the twelve disciples, and 24 bells symbolize the heavenly priests and the praising angels (Isaiah 6:4). However, incense is only burned and done by our priests during the divine liturgy, which is done twice a day (2 Chronicles 13:11). The leading priest would burn incense inside the Holy Altar (Leviticus 16:12-13). Incense is burned during church services such as the Holy liturgy and baptisms.

Mesob Werq: The sacrificial lamb which is the body of Christ is placed on the basketry ( Mesob Werq) is carried from Bethlehem into the Holy Altar. “Mesob Werq” is the one the deacon carry on his head covered with a ceremonial table cover.  It is known as the procession from Bethlehem to the Holy of Holies.

The procession from 'Bethlehem' to the Holy of Holies symbolizes the life of Jesus Christ from His birth in Bethlehem to His crucifixion at Golgotha. The Holy of Holies, where the sacrifice is offered, symbolizes Golgotha. The deacon goes in the front ringing a bell during the procession and another deacon carries an umbrella. ”Mesob Werq” symbolizes our mother St Mary.  “I am the living bread which comes down from heaven” (John 6:22).

Glory be to God.


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