Christ is Risen, Truly He is Risen!
With great joy, we would like to announce that archbishop Abune Qierlos (Cyril) has been nominated as the 5th Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thank you all for your daily prayers for this important calling.
We all are blessed to have participated in the prayers for the election of our 5th Patriarch along with the heavenly witnesses, St Mary on the right hand of her Son and all the saints. On behalf of Living Tewahdo, we wish archbishop Abune Qierlos (Cyril) well in his ministry and we pray his leadership will bring peace amongst the children of the Holy Church.Remembering the words of Pope Kyrillos (Cyril) the VI. of our Mother Coptic Church, “Prayer is everything, and without prayer we lose everything.” Having said this, let us continue to daily prayers for our Church and our country. As members of the body of Christ, let us also be active in service. Serving our brother and sister, our neighbor, and our fathers and mothers. There are so many ways we can serve using our talents God has granted us.
This year we have another election coming up for our Sunday School Diocese leadership. We will also be electing a new board for Living Tewahdo. This is a year where we are all being called to serve as well.
Look at your home Church, the youth around you, the new refugee family in your neighborhood. Where will you serve? How will you allow Christ to use you as His vessel?
May God give us the grace to be His acting Body and may His will be done. Amen.
In Christ our Lord,
Living Tewahdo